#Inside Sources: Hillarhea Acknowledges It's Over
(too old to reply)
Brian Carey
2008-05-18 10:06:30 UTC

Bad news, Chaosters - it looks like Hillary Clinton will throw in the towel
before the convention. According to Andrea Mitchell at MS-NBC, the big loss
in North Carolina and the narrow win in Indiana has convinced even the
Clintons that they just can't get to the nomination. Mitchell says that Team
Hillary is just "going through the motions":

Mitchell must have heard this from fairly high-level sources in the Clinton
camp, but it begs the question: why bother running out the string? If
Hillary thinks it's over, then wouldn't it make more sense to cut a deal to
eliminate her campaign debt and endorse Barack Obama? Perhaps Hillary isn't
the Clinton that needs convincing.


I used to hope that Hillarhea got the nomination, because she would be
easier to defeat than Obama. Now, I've changed my mind. I think that,
whether liberals like it or not, Americans just aren't ready to elect a
mulatto Democrat who attended a hatemonger's church for 20 years and has
"Hussein" as his middle name while we're at war with Arabic terrorists,
especially when he wants to appease those terrorists. The fact that he
seems to think that there are 57 states and believes that rural, blue-collar
working families are filled with people who cling to religion and guns out
of bitterness doesn't help, either.

Dems can console themselves by realizing that they will increase their
majorities in both houses of Congress.
Amanda Williams
2008-05-18 12:25:46 UTC
"Brian Carey" <***@mindspring.com> allegedly said in news:***@earthlink.com:

[.. blog drool zapped ..]
Post by Brian Carey
I used to hope that Hillarhea got the nomination, because she would be
easier to defeat than Obama. Now, I've changed my mind.
It's called "flip-flopping", in your case, more like "clutching desperately
at non-existent straws"


I just LOVE the smell of reichtard desperation
Post by Brian Carey
I think
that, whether liberals like it or not, Americans just aren't ready to
elect a mulatto Democrat who attended a hatemonger's church for 20
years and has "Hussein" as his middle name while we're at war with
Arabic terrorists, especially when he wants to appease those
No, "Americans" (except for the fast dwindling band of inbred racist bush-
worshipping morons, like you) aren't ready to give little georgie a 3rd
Post by Brian Carey
The fact that he seems to think that there are 57 states
and believes that rural, blue-collar working families are filled with
people who cling to religion and guns out of bitterness doesn't help,
Dems can console themselves by realizing that they will increase their
majorities in both houses of Congress.
Well 2 out of 3 right isn't bad ..... for you.


<small but dangerous>
Brian Carey
2008-05-18 13:16:50 UTC
Post by Amanda Williams
[.. blog drool zapped ..]
Post by Brian Carey
I used to hope that Hillarhea got the nomination, because she would be
easier to defeat than Obama. Now, I've changed my mind.
It's called "flip-flopping",
You should consider doing that regarding your idiotic statement that the New
York Times doesn't have an ombudsman.
2008-05-18 13:31:30 UTC
Bad news, Chaosters - it looks like Hillary Clinton will throw in the towel
before the convention. According to Andrea Mitchell at MS-NBC, the big loss
in North Carolina and the narrow win in Indiana has convinced even the
Clintons that they just can't get to the nomination. Mitchell says that Team
Mitchell must have heard this from fairly high-level sources in the Clinton
camp, but it begs the question: why bother running out the string? If
Hillary thinks it's over, then wouldn't it make more sense to cut a deal to
eliminate her campaign debt and endorse Barack Obama? Perhaps Hillary isn't
the Clinton that needs convincing.
I used to hope that Hillarhea got the nomination, because she would be
easier to defeat than Obama. Now, I've changed my mind. I think that,
whether liberals like it or not, Americans just aren't ready to elect a
mulatto Democrat who attended a hatemonger's church for 20 years and has
"Hussein" as his middle name while we're at war with Arabic terrorists,
especially when he wants to appease those terrorists. The fact that he
seems to think that there are 57 states and believes that rural, blue-collar
working families are filled with people who cling to religion and guns out
of bitterness doesn't help, either.
Dems can console themselves by realizing that they will increase their
majorities in both houses of Congress.
Hillary knew what she was doing all along. She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes. And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
4079 Dead
2008-05-18 15:09:12 UTC
Post by f***@gmail.com
Bad news, Chaosters - it looks like Hillary Clinton will throw in the towel
before the convention. According to Andrea Mitchell at MS-NBC, the big loss
in North Carolina and the narrow win in Indiana has convinced even the
Clintons that they just can't get to the nomination. Mitchell says that Team
Mitchell must have heard this from fairly high-level sources in the Clinton
camp, but it begs the question: why bother running out the string? If
Hillary thinks it's over, then wouldn't it make more sense to cut a deal to
eliminate her campaign debt and endorse Barack Obama? Perhaps Hillary isn't
the Clinton that needs convincing.
I used to hope that Hillarhea got the nomination, because she would be
easier to defeat than Obama. Now, I've changed my mind. I think that,
whether liberals like it or not, Americans just aren't ready to elect a
mulatto Democrat who attended a hatemonger's church for 20 years and has
"Hussein" as his middle name while we're at war with Arabic terrorists,
especially when he wants to appease those terrorists. The fact that he
seems to think that there are 57 states and believes that rural, blue-collar
working families are filled with people who cling to religion and guns out
of bitterness doesn't help, either.
Dems can console themselves by realizing that they will increase their
majorities in both houses of Congress.
Hillary knew what she was doing all along. She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes. And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
In most of the primaries, the Democratic LOSER got twice as many votes
as McCain.

What do you call a Republican with a conscience?

An ex-Republican.

http://www.balloon-juice.com/?p=8827 (From Yang, AthD (h.c)

"Prosperity and peace are in the balance," -- Putsch, not admitting that he's against both

Putsch: leading America to asymetric warfare since 2001

Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a liberal!
Pay your taxes so the rich don't have to.
For the finest in liberal/leftist commentary,
For news feed (free, 10-20 articles a day)
For essays (donations accepted, 2 articles/week)
a.a. #2211 -- Bryan Zepp Jamieson
2008-05-18 18:15:18 UTC
On Sun, 18 May 2008 08:09:12 -0700, 4079 Dead
Post by 4079 Dead
Post by f***@gmail.com
Bad news, Chaosters - it looks like Hillary Clinton will throw in the towel
before the convention. According to Andrea Mitchell at MS-NBC, the big loss
in North Carolina and the narrow win in Indiana has convinced even the
Clintons that they just can't get to the nomination. Mitchell says that Team
Mitchell must have heard this from fairly high-level sources in the Clinton
camp, but it begs the question: why bother running out the string? If
Hillary thinks it's over, then wouldn't it make more sense to cut a deal to
eliminate her campaign debt and endorse Barack Obama? Perhaps Hillary isn't
the Clinton that needs convincing.
I used to hope that Hillarhea got the nomination, because she would be
easier to defeat than Obama. Now, I've changed my mind. I think that,
whether liberals like it or not, Americans just aren't ready to elect a
mulatto Democrat who attended a hatemonger's church for 20 years and has
"Hussein" as his middle name while we're at war with Arabic terrorists,
especially when he wants to appease those terrorists. The fact that he
seems to think that there are 57 states and believes that rural, blue-collar
working families are filled with people who cling to religion and guns out
of bitterness doesn't help, either.
Dems can console themselves by realizing that they will increase their
majorities in both houses of Congress.
Hillary knew what she was doing all along. She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes. And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
In most of the primaries, the Democratic LOSER got twice as many votes
as McCain.
...who'd already won..... why bother to vote for someone that already
won when you can vote for his weakest candidate instead
Brian Carey
2008-05-18 22:33:38 UTC
Post by 4079 Dead
Post by f***@gmail.com
Post by Brian Carey
Dems can console themselves by realizing that they will increase their
majorities in both houses of Congress.
Hillary knew what she was doing all along. She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes. And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
In most of the primaries, the Democratic LOSER got twice as many votes
as McCain.
Might have something to do with the fact that McCain had already locked in
the nomination so Republicans didn't bother to vote.

Meanwhilte, Democrats were tearing each other apart.
Brian Carey
2008-05-18 22:32:40 UTC
Post by f***@gmail.com
Post by Brian Carey
Dems can console themselves by realizing that they will increase their
majorities in both houses of Congress.
Hillary knew what she was doing all along. She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes. And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
And 22% of them, according to the polls, won't listen.
4079 Dead
2008-05-19 00:37:27 UTC
On Sun, 18 May 2008 18:32:40 -0400, "Brian Carey"
Post by Brian Carey
Post by f***@gmail.com
Post by Brian Carey
Dems can console themselves by realizing that they will increase their
majorities in both houses of Congress.
Hillary knew what she was doing all along. She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes. And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
And 22% of them, according to the polls, won't listen.
That'll change. They'll see that people like you represent the GOP,
and will be repulsed.

What do you call a Republican with a conscience?

An ex-Republican.

http://www.balloon-juice.com/?p=8827 (From Yang, AthD (h.c)

"Prosperity and peace are in the balance," -- Putsch, not admitting that he's against both

Putsch: leading America to asymetric warfare since 2001

Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a liberal!
Pay your taxes so the rich don't have to.
For the finest in liberal/leftist commentary,
For news feed (free, 10-20 articles a day)
For essays (donations accepted, 2 articles/week)
a.a. #2211 -- Bryan Zepp Jamieson
Brian Carey
2008-05-19 10:06:09 UTC
Post by 4079 Dead
Post by Brian Carey
Post by f***@gmail.com
Hillary knew what she was doing all along. She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes. And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
And 22% of them, according to the polls, won't listen.
That'll change. They'll see that people like you represent the GOP,
and will be repulsed.
Yes, I'm sure they'll be quite happy to vote for Jeremiah "God Damn America"
Wright's 20-year parishioner who claims that rural Americans cling to
religion and guns out of bitterness and has the middle name of "Hussein"
while we're at war with Arabic terrorists.

Oh, and he thinks that there are 57 states. And he doesn't know the
difference between Sioux Falls and Sioux City.
2008-05-19 14:30:53 UTC
Post by Brian Carey
Post by Brian Carey
Hillary knew what she was doing all along.  She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes.  And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
And 22% of them, according to the polls, won't listen.
That'll change.  They'll see that people like you represent the GOP,
and will be repulsed.
Yes, I'm sure they'll be quite happy to vote for Jeremiah "God Damn America"
Wright's 20-year parishioner who claims that rural Americans cling to
religion and guns out of bitterness and has the middle name of "Hussein"
while we're at war with Arabic terrorists.
Oh, and he thinks that there are 57 states.  And he doesn't know the
difference between Sioux Falls and Sioux City.
And McBush thinks Al Queda is a Shiite group. As Cheney would
say, So what?
4079 Dead
2008-05-19 14:43:32 UTC
On Mon, 19 May 2008 06:06:09 -0400, "Brian Carey"
Post by Brian Carey
Post by 4079 Dead
Post by Brian Carey
Post by f***@gmail.com
Hillary knew what she was doing all along. She put in a hell of alot
of hard work, to simply pull in Democratic voters. Combining her
gathered votes with Obama's is a tremendous about of votes. And she
will , at some point, tell her voters that she is backing Obama and
wants them to do so for "the sake of the Party".
And 22% of them, according to the polls, won't listen.
That'll change. They'll see that people like you represent the GOP,
and will be repulsed.
Yes, I'm sure they'll be quite happy to vote for Jeremiah "God Damn America"
Wright's 20-year parishioner who claims that rural Americans cling to
religion and guns out of bitterness and has the middle name of "Hussein"
while we're at war with Arabic terrorists.
Much better to vote for the GOP, whose shamans claim that America
DESERVED 9/11, and that New Orleans was sinful and so Katrina was
god's will.

Right, little racist?
Post by Brian Carey
Oh, and he thinks that there are 57 states. And he doesn't know the
difference between Sioux Falls and Sioux City.

What do you call a Republican with a conscience?

An ex-Republican.

http://www.balloon-juice.com/?p=8827 (From Yang, AthD (h.c)

"Prosperity and peace are in the balance," -- Putsch, not admitting that he's against both

Putsch: leading America to asymetric warfare since 2001

Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a liberal!
Pay your taxes so the rich don't have to.
For the finest in liberal/leftist commentary,
For news feed (free, 10-20 articles a day)
For essays (donations accepted, 2 articles/week)
a.a. #2211 -- Bryan Zepp Jamieson
